Can You Really Trust Google?

48 of the 50 states are launching an investigation on the worlds most powerful search engine, "Google". The investigation's goal is to try to prove whether Google broke the law while climbing to the top of the totem pole in the world's most successful and dominant companies.
European regulators have fined Google for $5 billion for using 'illegal' tactics with their sub company, Android. On all Android phones, you are forced to download all google apps initially when your phone is booted up. This is an example of an unfair advantage. Again, European regulators fined Google $1.7 for having unfair exclusivity clauses, which again boosts their reach and power. They control the search engines, the ads, the apps, almost everything that is involved with the word 'internet'. Google has been accused of illegally advertising in. order to make their way to the top. Are they really cheating their way through, or are they simply as good as they seem? 


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